What is the biggest challenge new leaders face and how do you overcome it?

Susan M. Barber

Susan M. Barber

Our guest today is no stranger to leadership and moving up the corporate ladder with confidence. Susan M. Barber is an Executive Leadership Coach with more than 20 years experience as an Information Technology and Leadership Executive. In our interview, she shares the keys to gaining visibility and credibility within an organization, and how to promote yourself without appearing boastful.

She further explains the difference in how women approach self-promotion vs men, and how women can improve their position at the negotiating table, including excellent questions to ask during a job interview / promotion opportunity in order to establish you as the best candidate for the role.

Great insights for new leaders as well as established leaders who feel like they’re not yet optimizing their leadership capacity, and want to build their confidence as a leader.

Key Takeaways

  1. Be authentic, know your value, and come to the table ready to share your expertise and insights.
  2. Find ways to promote yourself and your team, without seeming boastful.
  3. Pay attention to what’s happening around you, who is moving up, and what you can learn from them, while maintaining your authenticity.
  4. During an interview, ask “What does success look like in this role?”
  5. Ask for what you want.

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