What is true financial freedom and how do you obtain it?


Damion Lupo

Best Selling Author in personal finance and money thinking, host of the Transformation Nation Podcast, owner of 30+ companies and founder of his own martial art – Yokido ® Damion Lupo outrightly rejects regret and speaks to it as the ultimate life failure.

He has a unique approach to living a full-filled life by breaking rules and making more mistakes faster than his competition – his key to success. Playing by a different set of rules, he even bought his first rental house on credit card, a move that snowballed into owning 150 rental houses in 7 states in less than 5 years. In 2008 he lost the entire $20 million but recreated his wealth and reinvented his life over 4 transformational years. Today he leads 3 global companies with one unified mission – to Free 1 Million People from Money Bondage.

In our conversation, Damion openly shares his transformation journey and how he discovered a wealth beyond simply financial gain. We explore the keys to life success, how to overcome massive failure, build your confidence, and create true inner and outer wealth. Damion shares openly about his mission and the values he lives by, and we finish out our conversation discussing the future of money, including gold, silver, cryptocurrency and the importance of knowing your numbers as it relates to time, money and fulfilling your mission in life.

Key Takeaways

  1. Money isn’t freedom, money is simply fuel. More money without a mission and you’ll just get more shackled.
  2. The Universe gives us opportunities to transform and reinvent our lives and if we don’t listen, it gives us bigger deeper more painful lessons.
  3. A powerful question to ask yourself is, “What is true?”
  4. Find your values before you find your mission.
  5. 10X Focus: You have to disrupt yourself to create a greater impact. Ask yourself, “How do I become 10x more present to where I’m more connected?”
  6. Most people are trying to hack their way into financial freedom vs focusing on deep diving into something that matters.
  7. It’s your life and you are responsible to understand finances deeply.
  8. If you’re not a numbers person, how do you know if something is working?
  9. Our financial and monetary system is changing. We won’t recognize it 10 years from now.
  10. Get some type of gold and silver – it’s God’s money.
  11. Your biggest expense in life is going to be taxes – unless you get smarter.
  12. Disruption is not comfortable but it’s the only way to shift your life to something bigger and more purposeful.

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