How do you deal with stress and remain calm in these crazy times?


Dr Dravon James

Dr. Dravon James

Dr. Dravon James is an inspirational speaker, radio host, and author of the book, Freedom Is Your Birthright. She is the Founder of Everyday Peace, a platform dedicated to educate, empower, and inspire others to build the life of their dreams.

Dr. James earned a doctorate degree in pharmacy from Creighton University. Having endured difficult challenges both in her personal life and career, she knows that she has the power within, not only to create the life of her dreams but also to help other people create the life of their dreams.

As an author and speaker, she teachers others how to utilize everything that shows up in their lives – the good, the bad, and everything in between. She believes that the most effective way of transforming and crafting an amazing life is by tapping into everyday peace.

What We Discuss With Dravon James In This Episode

  • How to best approach stress
  • Looking at the glass half-full vs. half-empty
  • How to get yourself together in a carpool line
  • The process that guides you into everyday peace
  • The power of your words

Episode Transcript Highlights

How to Best Approach Stress

Stress is all around us. Learn to use everything that shows up in your life – the good, the bad, and the in-between. Use it all to create your next level of greatness

Stress is part of the journey so look at it as a resource. Figure out how to use this energy because it’s all energy. Live smart and put yourself in a position to have balance in your life. This is dynamic recycling. 

Trying to avoid stress doesn’t mean that we’re going to focus on it more. Because whatever we focus on, we’re going to draw more of that into our life. That’s the universal law

To Look at the Glass Half-Empty or Half-Full in this Time of the Pandemic

However you want to look at it, we’re experiencing the glass – the situation, we would not have chosen the situation in a million years. But here we are in the midst of it. 

We can’t deny the fact 1% of the population contracts the flu and it is something that we want to avoid. But we have a choice to look at the 99% or the 1%. 

It doesn’t mean we’re not going to exercise caution here. And this is where the ego gets confused. Because the ego believes that if you don’t get truly scared about this, then you won’t act responsibly

Figuring Out How to Get Yourself Together in the Carpool Line

You have to have a process that allows you to achieve everyday peace in everyday life. Your life is happening now. You have to figure out how to achieve everyday peace in the carpool line.

Some scary things are happening. These are unprecedented times. But you can still experience peace. Peace is wholeness, completeness – nothing missing, nothing broken. It’s totally being present in this moment and not being fearful about two minutes from here or regretting the two minutes that passed.

This is the moment that we have. 

The Process That Guides You Into Everyday Peace
  1. Appreciation

Appreciate this moment now for what you can see, smell, touch, hear– just in this moment – to bring yourself to the now. Whether you’re sitting in traffic or in the same room since the pandemic, the fact that you can see, hear, smell, and feel the carpet underneath your feet brings you to the now.

  1. Active Gratitude

A great exercise is to list the first three things that pop into your head that you’re grateful for. Whatever it is that pops in your head, you become actively grateful for it. And this changes the entire energy around the enemy. It doesn’t take away your problems. But it takes away the way you perceive the problems.

  1. Executing and designing the life of your dreams from a creative space

You’re doing this from a creative space and not from a place of need. Come from a place of service. Whatever it is that you are providing to the universe today is going to be balanced and you’re going to receive something for the service that you provide, whether it’s as simple as a smile or a warm thought. 

The Power of Your Words

A lot of times, we use our own words to curse ourselves. And the universe takes us seriously.

Our subconscious really believes that we know what we’re talking about. So you want to be careful with how you use your words. 

Use words to empower your life. Be gentle and kind with yourself because you’re pushing that energy into the universe. 

Making Peace with Change

Change is inevitable and you’re not meant to go back to the end. People are uncomfortable with change because they want to go back to the way things were. But perhaps, change comes just for that reason – to change the way things were. 

Now, you get the opportunity to decide what you want to manifest in life. How do you want to evolve as an individual?

87% of Americans claimed they did not like their jobs or what they had voluntarily chosen as a profession. But if you trusted yourself and you trusted the universe a bit more, your life will evolve much more.

Use this opportunity not to run from yourself. We have these built-in distractions in our life – jobs, hang out with friends, malling, social media, etc. And people just hide from themselves because they are so embarrassed about their past decisions that they’ve made.

Therefore, use this time you have to fall in love with yourself!

Episode Resources Freedom Is Your Birthright

Freedom Is Your Birthright Book

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