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Napoleon Hill designated a whole chapter to it in his book, Think and Grow Rich, but how does one learn the practices of sexual transmutation for success in life and business?

Nakula Das
As one of the most captivating and passionate trainers and speakers on the subject of sexual alchemy, Nakula Das’ dynamic energy inspires in audiences both tears and laughter. He fuses stories on sex, spirituality and modern problems into profound lessons on faith and freedom.
His overall message is that sex is life and sex energy is the creative force within you. Let go of shame, guilt and repression so you can work with your sexual energy in a conscious way.
Nakula Founded the 6-Week Training program for men, Become A Sexual Alchemist and Co-Founded the Spiritual Bad Boys training community that teaches men the ancient art and science of semen retention and sex transmutation.
What We Discuss with Nakula Das in this Episode
- What is sexual transmutation and sexual alchemy and why it’s important
- Why semen retention is essential for success in business, leadership and life
- Sex energy as a creative force
- The science behind why pornography is so detrimental to society
- How healthy masculinity serves the greater good
- Free Sex Mastery training webinar (recording link provided below)
Episode Highlights
Why do some people know you as Nick Pereira and others as Nakula Das, and what is sexual alchemy?
You can call me Nick, my mother will call my Nicholas and my spiritual master will call me Nakula. So depending how you know me, you’ll call me different names. How I got the name of Nakula Das is that I was initiated into a spiritual order of Bhakti Yoga, more popularly known as the Hare Krishnas in the western world.
Bhakti means service or divine love. I would equate it to the word agape in the Christian language. And Yoga means union, so a Bhakti Yogi is someone who is aspiring to union with God and to know God at the most deepest and intimate levels.
I do my semen retention or sexual alchemy work under the name Nakula Das because it’s where I got a lot of the in-depth information. I was introduced to sexual alchemy and sex transmutation like most people in the western world – those who have even heard of it – through Napoleon Hill’s books, Think and Grow Rich and The Law of Success as you mentioned.
He designated a whole chapter to it, and basically to summarize, says that if a man (or a woman, this is for both men and women) does not master his sexual energy and does not learn the art of sexual transmutation, he will never reach success beyond the basic needs of the human body. He’ll stay with the status quo and never arise to anything different.
I thought that was really interesting but one thing Napoleon Hill doesn’t do, is he doesn’t teach you how to do it. He tells you how important it is and why it works but he never says, here’s how you do it. I was really curious about this subject, mainly because I’m a guy who is interested in sex and sexuality and like most men in this age, we’re exposed to porn and we’re not really exposed to good sex education. I wanted to have a real sex education; not just the physical aspects but the mental and emotional aspects, and I was really curious about the spiritual aspects.
The only way that I learned about sexual transmutation is through the Yogic system where they have a heavy message of celibacy; the goal is to transcend your sexual energy because you’re transcending all the bodily needs so that you can be a transcendent being or spirit. Being the personality that I am, I thought, well that’s great, but I’m not going to give up sex. I have a wife and like to spend time with my wife. So I kept looking and found sexual alchemy or the practices of sexual Kung Fu.
The original meaning of Kung Fu is that which requires daily discipline. Sexual Kung Fu is bringing daily practice towards your sexual energy. This mainly comes from the Taoist tradition. They are what I would call alchemists or energy workers. They look at sex in a very medical, matter of fact way; where there’s an action and a reaction. One of the things they teach is for men of all walks of life to be able to transmute their sexual energy while having a sexual life.
In fact they go on to suggest that it’s not healthy to totally go celibate, and how to actually stimulate your sexual energy and use it consciously. But the main principle is that in all traditions, at some level when you look at their deep, more mystic, more spiritual side, there is a concept of a man preserving his seed and the power of semen retention.
So sexual alchemy is the ability to use your sexual energy in a non-physical way to create, manifest or attract the results which you would like. So if you want more money, great relationships, more intimacy and connection, this is your vehicle. If you want to become a better, more effective leader, then understanding your own sexual energy and therefore other people’s sexual energy is going to make you extremely influential and powerful in your work, and allow you to have a deep and positive impact in the world. And if you’re going for spiritual enlightenment, there’s no getting past this, at least understanding this knowledge.
Talk about semen retention, what happens in the body, and how this energy can be redirected.
First I’m going to take it one step back for both men and women, and then I’m going to go more into the man’s side of things. Yes, women can do this too. Of course our biology is different, and because we have different biology, we also have different psychology. The better we can understand our differences and realize that they are complementary for each other, the better we all do.
This is what makes strong families, and when you have strong families, you have strong communities, and when you have strong communities, you have strong nations. So when we talk about sexual energy, we are going right into the fabric of our very society.
Speaking strictly about biology, when someone is engaging in sexual activity, the body changes; for a man his blood rushes to his penis, and it gets enlarged. There are psychological effects where he experiences what I’m going to call “masculinity” or “manliness”. He tends to be more dominant, passionate, and more taking control in that situation. Your body is a conduit for energy or spirit to flow through it. So if you think of your body as an antenna, when it’s put in a certain state it is more effective.
When a woman is sexually aroused, there are also physical differences; for example her lips could get bigger, and her cheeks could get red. Blood flows differently in her body, arousing different parts of her body. So in the same way, like an antenna, she is vibrating or picking up a different frequency.
This is why Napoleon Hill said, and I’m paraphrasing, that a man who has a high sex drive also generally has high creativity, solutions and are driven.
Also when you have a high sex drive, your neuroplasticity or your brain wires itself easier.
Semen is the essence of the body. It takes 40 to 60 ounces of blood to create one drop of semen. When you first came into being, semen or sperm was mixed with an egg and in the right (feminine) environment, life can grow. So at least half of you needs to be a strong masculine energy or semen, which is flowing at the very essence of your physical being.
Semen is all your best stuff. What happens from a biological perspective, is that nature by design is going to take all your best proteins, enzymes, nutrients, zinc – all your best stuff – and it’s going to put it into your semen because what is success to the body? It is to carry on my seed – my genes.
When you don’t use your semen, within 7-10 days, by design, your body re-absorbs and re-distributes it throughout your body. And what it does is stimulates testosterone growth.
(Basil plant parallel)
This begins to give you more masculine qualities. It’s like nature says, hey you are not reproducing so we’re going to help you out by making you more attractive; i.e. give you brighter skin, repair damaged cells, and make your voice deeper. And because you’re going to become more masculine on a physical level, you’re going to also become more masculine on a psychological level.
You’re going to want to get things done. When you see injustice, you’re going to want to protect. You are literally going to bring all the qualities of a strong man to the table. You are literally going to become part of that 20% of men who are leaders. And it’s happening on a biological level.
When you ejaculate, you release something called prolactin into your system, which reduces testosterone growth. Because when you ejaculate, your body does not know whether that was because you were with your partner, or because you were watching porn, or because you’ve developed the masturbation habit. All it knows that you ejaculated and it goes, great you were successful (at carrying on your seed).
Since the 1920’s, studies show that each generation has less and less testosterone. Meaning that for men my age and younger, we are actually less ‘men’ on a biological level than our forefathers. There are many reasons for that. A sedentary lifestyle, we’re all sitting around at a computer, and porn is a huge detriment towards your sexual energy and your ability to get real sex and real masculine energy.
Imagine if you’re ejaculating every day. You are in a constant state of depletion. Your body is using a ton of energy to reproduce its semen. It also creates a conscious link between you and your body where you’re so dependent on sensual pleasure that you can’t live without it.
Here comes the addiction part. When you watch porn specifically, dopamine is released into your system, which is nature’s reward system. Dopamine is not a bad thing but porn releases up to 200% unnatural amounts of dopamine into your system, which damages your dopamine receptors and throws your hormones off balance. So you need to have more and more dopamine to feel good.
This doesn’t mean you never ejaculate, you do it through healthy sexual activity, and as a sexual alchemist, unless you’re planning on having a baby, you don’t ejaculate.
Now a lot of guys will be like, whoa, you’re taking away my pleasure – the greatest pleasure there is? No. In fact, you will have so much more pleasure by learning to engage in sexual activity and not ejaculate.
Speak to the true nature of masculinity and why we would want more of it in society, not just the bedroom.
The term “toxic masculinity” has become popular and I would say that it’s true that we don’t want toxic masculinity. But what I would say is that anyone who is portraying this toxic masculinity is actually not masculine at all. So let’s define masculinity, from different teachings around the world. It is someone who is sensitive first, and sense-controlled.
A man should not be dictated by his emotions. This does not mean he doesn’t have emotions. This doesn’t mean he buries his emotions. It means he has a healthy relationship with his emotions. It’s only through empathy that we can step in someone else’s shoes and be a provider and a protector. If I didn’t have any empathy, why would I want to protect anyone? I would just do whatever I want.
So sense-control is when a man can develop himself up to where he is above his emotions. He feels his emotions but he doesn’t act from his emotions. He becomes a grounding force. One of the main jobs a leader does is they ground their people. OK we get it, there’s a challenge. Now get grounded, solid and let’s give direction and move forward. You can only do that when you’re sense-controlled.
(For example) I see a woman and say wow she’s beautiful, but I have a wife and so I’m not going to go there. It’s not denying our urges. If I see a woman that is attractive, I’m going to be attracted to her. That’s my biology. To deny that, saying that you should have no attraction, I think is what gets very unhealthy. Now we’re not talking about transmutation, we’re talking about suppression. Anything that becomes suppressed will eventually find an outlet of a darker nature.
That’s where I think when we go to the human trafficking, child porn, and these very dark places, and where a lot of men don’t want to be and they find themselves, you’ll find that they have a lot of suppressive sexual energy. They are very toxic in their behavior, and you’ll find that they not very sense-controlled. There’s probably drug use, and there’s probably a ton of pornography watching. There is a direct correlation between pornography watching and cases where men have done brutal acts.
We’ve discussed that if nature’s greatest success checkmark is reproduction, then on a spiritual level – spirituality not just in a sentimental way but a very scientific way, there is spirit and there is matter. Matter is a reflection of spirit. So consciousness is actually the truth. Reality is spirit, and illusion is matter. Matter only comes into form to reflect or give manifestation to consciousness or spirit.
Therefore, if sex is the highest pleasure on the physical level, then it exists on the spiritual level but it’s not physical. So love of God is the highest pleasure that the spirit experiences because it is its natural state. Why we are driven so badly on a physical level is because consciously we have forgotten that we are actually souls that are all spiritual and we totally identify with the body and all of its bodily conceptions.
The first principle to understand in any spiritual tradition is the difference between spirit and matter. If we cannot distinguish these two things, there is no spiritual progress. There is only a show of spiritual progress, which is on a sentimental level. It’s a level of ritual. I do all the rituals. I go to church. I sing the songs. I do all this stuff. But do I feel and do I realize? Not believe. There is a difference between realizing and believing. You want to realize the scripture. It’s actually a scientific process of becoming more spirit than matter.
So when a man retains his semen, the body reabsorbs and redistributes it. As you retain for longer and longer periods of time (30-60-90 days, 6 months, years) first of all, imagine your sense-control at that point. You can totally focus your mind on whatever you want. Your vibration will be so high. As you begin to have an excess of semen, instead of energetically living in depletion, you’re now living in abundance energetically. You have more energy than is required, and you can begin to give it away because you’ve got more than enough.
If I’m more energy than enough on a physical level, or more spirit than I am physical matter, my physical circumstances will begin to reflect that; because matter follows spirit.
So a man is first sense-controlled, and then he becomes sensitive. What does sensitive mean? He literally becomes sensitive to the energy – he can sense the energy – around him and in him. So when he meets anyone, he doesn’t just meet them on a physical level, he meets them on a spiritual level.
Sex energy as creativity…
What is sex energy? On a physical level it’s creative energy that makes a baby. On a spiritual or non-physical level it’s simply creative energy. Sex energy is simply the creative energy of the universe. It’s a beautiful thing. That’s what it’s a sacred thing and should be used consciously.
Why do powerful men tend to get in trouble? For one, powerful men have sex drive. That’s why they are powerful men. So the first thing a man wants to do is cultivate a high sexual energy, so he has the drive and force behind him to get things done. Then he wants to become sensitive, and literally become an energy alchemist.
Now you’ll be able to serve others abundantly. You will become a leader because you will out-energy anybody, and not only that, you will literally transfer your energy to them. You will give life to your movement. You will give life to anything that you touch, and it will begin to flourish because you are literally emanating creative energy.
For the women…
Women can also do this because within each of us, we have masculine and feminine energy. So women can learn to tap into their masculine and feminine too. What makes women different than men is that by nature’s design, a woman each month releases her sexual vitality through her period, where men don’t have to release their sexual vitality. I wanted to make that point because I know there are women connected on this show. I specifically talk to men, although I’m happy to talk to both men and women on this subject.
Free Sex Mastery Webinar (see below for a link to watch this webinar recording)
For the men, we’re doing a Sex Mastery Webinar on April 10th at 10am Eastern Time. It’s a 1.5 hour training where I’m going to show you the techniques of sexual alchemy. At a high level, sexual alchemy consists of inner types of meditations to get you in tune with your own energies, learning the use the breath to practice sense control and how to make your body go into states.
Rather than reaching for caffeine, I’m going to show you an exercise that’s going to light you up. I’m going to show you how meditation can help you go inwardly so that your consciousness isn’t just spread out, but you can really cultivate your inner world. And muscle control – how to use your muscles to generate a force to begin to consciously create that aura and create an energetic flow upwards.
If you’re familiar with acupuncture, much of what I take from is Chinese medicine with the Taoist tradition and many other traditions use. We have 72,000 pressure points or energetic intersections within the body, so we’re going to go into how to release energetic blocks in the body.
I’ll go deeper into the science of semen retention, specifically how to use your sexual energy to consciously create and manifest.
For the Leaders Of Transformation, I’m going to be giving a specific section where we’re going to go deep into leadership and sexual energy and how the two are related so that you can become empowered as a leader and you can help those around you. Because what is the job of a leader? To create other leaders.
Watch this training: www.nakuladas.com/lot
Episode Resources
- Free Sex Mastery Webinar for Leaders Of Transformation – Watch/Listen Here
- Nakula Das YouTube Channel
Additional Resources
Connect With Nakula Das
You can also find him on Facebook (under Nick Pereira) talking about current events and politics. He is using everything he has learned to bring about a higher level consciousness, unity and engagement in eastern Canada.
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