Michelle M. Meyer is a mom, a national speaker and the founder of Girl Authentic.

Michelle M. Meyer

Michelle M. Meyer

Michelle works with professionals—women and men—to bring forth the feminine in the workplace. She seeks to open new avenues of dialog, balance, and wealth and abundance for individuals, organizations and communities.

Michelle believes that a generation of lost femininity in the workplace has frustrated women and baffled men. Many workplace women have resorted to operating unnaturally from male frameworks and a masculine vibration. When they do, it diminishes both the males’ and females’ unique contribution.

Bringing forth the feminine brings balance. Michelle believes this generation is awakening to the chance of a balanced culture and workplace stemming from a balance of the masculine and feminine vibration.

A new era of business opportunity is arriving. In this episode, Nicole and Michelle discuss the new structures and whole-life business frameworks that must be created to support and nurture this growing awareness.

Connect With Michelle M. Meyer


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